Drug Handouts

Educate pet owners about the drugs you dispense

A successful treatment plan depends on an informed pet owner. Keep them informed with printable, emailable drug information sheets that clearly explain what medications do and how they are used.

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What Are Drug Handouts?

See how this pet owner education tool can make practice easier—and help you keep your patients safer.

Provide accurate guidance in simple language

Skip the pharmacy jargon. These client drug information sheets are written in clear, straightforward language that’s easy for pet owners to understand, supporting better adherence and at-home care. And fewer rounds of phone tag.

Answer common prescription questions

Each drug handouts clearly explains everything a pet owner needs to know, like side effects, duration of therapy, and even what to do if they miss a dose or have pills left over.

Add personalized instructions

Have special instructions for the pet owner? Every drug handouts has a space saved for your personal notes, from follow-up exams to refill requirements and everything in between.

Clinical Handouts

Get more client education support with Plumb’s Pro

Help pet owners understand their pet’s condition from workup to management with printable handouts on common clinical conditions, procedures, and preventive care, written in language everyone can understand.

Learn about clinical handouts

Keep pet owners well-informed about their pet’s care

Setting pet owners up for success with at-home care saves time and eases frustration for everyone.

Clear up common medication questions

Save yourself a round of phone tag. With drug handouts, help pet owners understand what’s normal and when to call with concerns.

Spend less time on discharge instructions

No more typing out medication details between appointments. Package drug handouts with discharge paperwork.

Have a simple template for counseling pet owners

Each drug handout clearly explains everything a pet owner needs to know, like side effects, duration of therapy, and even what to do if they miss a dose or have pills left over.

Learn more about Plumb’s

How Plumb’s™ Helps Veterinarians Easily Comply with Lizzie’s Law

June 11, 2024
5 min

If you work in veterinary practice in California, you’ve probably felt the impact of Lizzie’s Law. Find out how Plumb’s™ pet owner handouts can make compliance easier.

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Tough Conversations with Pet Owners: 5 Tips for Veterinarians

April 26, 2024
4 min

Whether discussing a new diagnosis or delivering bad news, difficult conversations are inevitable in veterinary medicine. Discover 5 tips to help with tough conversations.

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How to Decrease Medication Errors in Veterinary Practice

October 12, 2023
5 min

Medication errors are one of the most common causes of medical errors. Discover how to prevent medication errors in veterinary practice—and how Plumb’s can help.

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Introducing Plumb’s Clinical Handouts: Efficient, Accurate Veterinary Client Education

March 15, 2022
4 min

Plumb’s Pro patient guides make it easier to answer pet owners’ common questions in a way that’s accurate, efficient, and easy to understand.

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Veterinary Drug Handouts: Your Secret to Convenient Pet Owner Education

June 11, 2021
4 min

Add a dose of confidence to at-home care. See how Veterinary Medication Guides help you provide clear drug information in half the time.

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An Easier Way to Share Drug Information Sheets with Pet Owners

June 18, 2020
3 min

Helping pet owners confidently give medications at home just got easier. We just added exciting new ways to share Plumb’s Veterinary Medication Guides, our printable drug information sheets for pet owners. See how!

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