How many times a day do you reach for a veterinary reference? Even just to double-check yourself? For veterinarians, with everything we need to remember, having easy access to accurate information that supports our decision-making is essential for patient safety.
Unfortunately, the time it takes to find that information adds up. Especially when it involves flipping through heavy textbooks, navigating complicated websites, and trying to figure out when the information you’ve found was last updated.
Shouldn’t it be easier for veterinarians to efficiently get accurate, reliable answers?
Imagine no more running back and forth to the bookshelf or trying to remember which journal in the stack on your desk has that study on the treatment you’re considering.
Imagine being able to move on to your next patient or (gasp!) even head home on time.
What if the small animal veterinary information you needed was:
- Just one or two clicks away
- Always available from the nearest device (including the phone in your pocket)
- Developed and continually updated by the award-winning team behind Clinician’s Brief
- Reviewed by boarded veterinary experts
- Accessible from the easy-to-use Plumb’s platform your colleagues love
It’s not a what-if anymore. Meet Dx & Tx (formerly Clinical Briefs): all-new, original diagnostic and treatment monographs exclusive to Plumb’s Pro.

What Is Dx & Tx?
Dx & Tx is a library of consistently formatted clinical monographs that present practice-relevant details of the clinical conditions you see every day.
The format will likely feel familiar to you if you’ve ever used veterinary resources like 5-Minute Veterinary Consult, Côté’s Clinical Veterinary Advisor, or VINcylopedia.
But there’s more to Dx & Tx than you might expect…
What Makes Dx & Tx Unique?
Thanks to the easy-to-use Plumb’s platform—which you can access anywhere—these clinical monographs get you the answers you need faster.
This practical clinical information is brought to you by the same team that brings you Plumb’s Veterinary Drugs and Clinician’s Brief, so you can feel confident that you’re getting expert-written, peer-reviewed advice that’s relevant and current.
1. Dx & Tx monographs are easy to find and easy to navigate.
With a Plumb’s Pro subscription, you can access Dx & Tx monographs from any internet-connected device: your office desktop, your phone, the pharmacy iPad, or even your home computer. Get information where and when it’s convenient for you.
To start, simply begin typing in the condition you’re concerned about. Our smart search will populate suggestions.

Quick links in search results make it easy to jump straight to the information you need right away.

Once you’ve opened a monograph, you can jump to any section with the table of contents.

You can also favorite monographs you reference often for even faster access when you first open Plumb’s Pro.

Plus, Dx & Tx monographs make it easy to access supporting content in Plumb’s Pro. Whether you need a diagnostic algorithm, drug information, or the drug interaction checker, it’s all right there. There’s even a calculator, not to mention links to relevant pet owner guides that you can print or email to clients in seconds.

See how fast it is with a free demo.
2. The content is written and reviewed by experts you can trust.
These clinical monographs aren’t just roundups of previously published resources. They include all-new, original content developed by the team behind Clinician’s Brief. That means they’re written by specialists, peer reviewed, formatted for ease of use, and designed to be relevant to the patient in front of you.
In addition to the sections you’d expect (eg, presentation, diagnosis, treatment, prognosis), each Dx & Tx monograph includes unique content developed with the realities of day-to-day veterinary practice in mind.
Clinical Challenges
Dx & Tx monographs help you expect the unexpected. The Clinical Challenges section tackles common, condition-specific obstacles that make patient care more difficult, like addressing small dose grape/raisin ingestion cases or navigating frequent expression of anal glands.

Stuck on a challenge you can’t solve? Share what you’re seeing for consideration in a future update.
When Owners Decline Care
Clients have countless reasons for declining recommendations. But most references assume they’ll say “yes” to a platinum approach. Dx & Tx monographs include advice that helps you create a plan B when clients don’t pursue your ideal treatment option.

Reference Images and Videos
Sometimes you just have to see it in action. When possible, these clinical monographs include high-quality reference images and videos—sourced by the team behind Clinician’s Brief—that you can expand and review without losing your place in the text.

Quality Client Education
Dx & Tx monographs also come with shareable patient guides that help you stay ahead of clients’ most common questions (including What does this mean for my pet?) and empower them to understand their pet’s care.
Watch these elements in action with a free demo.
3. You can add custom notes to make them your own.
These monographs provide a clean, convenient way to personalize your go-to veterinary reference. Have a favorite protocol or just heard great advice in a continuing education course? Add notes to any section of the monograph for future recall. Your notes sync to all your devices and are accessible whenever you need them—including when your own pet gets sick after hours.

There’s nothing quite like finding your flow on a busy day in veterinary practice. Snag Plumb’s Pro to make your days go more smoothly. With Dx & Tx by your side, you’ll find the information you need in no time, making you more efficient and effective than ever.
Want to see Dx & Tx in action? Watch small animal veterinarian Peggy Burris, DVM, use these clinical monographs while working up a case. Watch the demo here.
Need this tool in your practice? Get access now.